Strengthened regulatory powers to improve energy safety

Wednesday 15 May 2024 at 11:48 pm

Energy Safe Victoria’s regulatory powers to improve energy safety for Victorians have been strengthened with changes to the Electricity Safety Act 1998, the Gas Safety Act 1997 and the Pipelines Act 2005 that came into effect on 16 May 2024.  

The changes include new obligations on electricity suppliers and gas companies, increased penalties, and enhancements to Energy Safe’s powers through the Energy Legislation Amendment (Energy Safety) Act 2023.  

The increased penalties include potential fines for general duties offences of major electricity companies (MECs) and gas companies (increasing from just under $290,000 to just over $1.7 million), and non-compliance with accepted electricity safety management schemes, bushfire mitigation plans, and gas safety cases (increasing from just under $290,000 to more than $1.11 million).  

Energy Safe can now accept enforceable undertakings, and major electricity companies and gas companies are now required to preserve the sites of certain incidents until directed otherwise by Energy Safe.  

Further information:

Energy Safe. Always.
