The Electricity Safety Act 1998 (the Act) enables voluntary ESMSs to be submitted to Energy Safe Victoria by:
- employers of electrical workers;
- occupiers of specific premises; and
- owners of complex electrical installations.
The Act also requires that all Major Electricity Companies (MECs), which run electricity supply networks, have an accepted ESMSs.
The Act is supported by the Electricity Safety (Management) Regulations 2019, which came into effect on 29 November 2019.
Safety management policy
The Energy Infrastructure Safety Management Policy
- explains how Energy Safe intends to administer the ESMS framework for MECs;
- provides clarity over the requirements Energy Safe looks for in the acceptance process from MECs; and
- provides support to those making submissions for MECs by providing guidance on how to prepare an acceptable ESMS.
Guidelines support the administration policy by explaining to MECs and holders of voluntary ESMSs what content they should provide when submitting ESMSs to Energy Safe for acceptance.
Ideally, if the scheme addresses the key elements required by the Act, Energy Safe should not be required to seek additional information.
The relevant guidelines are:
- for MECs:
- for voluntary ESMSs entities:
- Classification of audit findings:
Reporting guidelines for MECS
Regulations 28 and 29 of the Electricity Safety (Management) Regulations 2019 require MECs to report serious electrical incidents within timeframes and in a manner described in the reporting guidelines published by Energy Safe.
Download the Incident and Safety Performance Reporting Guidelines:
Please note these reporting guidelines do not apply to voluntary ESMS. Holders of voluntary ESMSs need to comply with the requirements of their ESMSs or of the Electricity Safety (General) Regulations 2019.
Date: 19/09/2024 23:11
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