CPD – an introduction

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for the electrical trades


Energy Safe Victoria has introduced Victoria’s first program of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for the electrical trades. CPD is a major State Government initiative supported by unions and employers. It covers safe working topics and aims to help all electrical workers in the community.

You've worked hard to get your licence to work in the electrical industry. Industry regulations now mean you must maintain and develop professional skills.

Why we are introducing CPD

Continuing professional development is common in many professions to:

  • ensure people are fully capable of performing their jobs and
  • are kept updated about regulatory change or technological advances.

CPD is being introduced to keep Victorians safer by ensuring the industry meets the highest possible standards.

Our industry is technically complex, sometimes hazardous and subject to regulatory changes. It’s also a rapidly changing industry, which requires electrical workers to stay up to date with the latest regulations and ongoing technological advancements.

Government, unions, employers and the general community all support the program.

CPD addresses the ‘Three Cs’:

  • Currency — how up to date everyone is
  • Competency — how well we all do our jobs
  • Complacency — this is one of the leading causes of workplace accidents according to WorkSafe Victoria.

In worst-case scenarios, complacency can cost lives. Workplace manslaughter laws introduced in July 2022 mean no business or individual can afford to be complacent and fall behind in their safe working practices.

CPD will enable workers’ knowledge and skills to stay current and relevant, reduce complacency, and improve safety outcomes.

When you need to act

The Skills Maintenance component of CPD applies to everyone renewing their licence and must be completed within the two years before your licence renewal is due. See Skills Maintenance

The Skills Development program is also being introduced. Skills Development will be required for licence renewals from 2028. More information will be added here regularly. See Skills Development

From 2028, electrical workers in some licence classes will need to complete CPD training for both Skills Maintenance and Skills Development to renew their licence. See CPD for different licence classes

About the training

Under the guidance of Energy Safe and industry, Future Energy Skills (FES) created the CPD training content. FES is a not-for-profit organisation led by the Electrical Trades Union (ETU) and National Electrical Communications Association (NECA). It aims to serve, and work in partnership with, the electro-technology, renewable, new energy and electricity generation and supply sectors. See Future Energy Skills

Specialist training organisations deliver CPD training. See CPD training providers

CPD is mandatory

CPD is required for all electrical licence renewals after 1 July 2023.

Anyone who holds multiple licence classes will need to complete a course for each type of licence class they hold. The courses have been constructed to ensure little to no duplication of course material.

There is a new policy on CPD and licence renewals, which includes applying for an exemption or extension. There are no age restrictions for doing the training and no exemptions based on age.

Read the policy:

Continuing Professional Development Policy
PDF 192.02 KB
(opens in a new window)

CPD is in two phases

The training is in two parts – Skills Maintenance and Skills Development:

  • Skills Maintenance is refresher training
  • Skills Development is an opportunity to learn something new.

If you held a licence before 1 July 2023, in the first licence cycle (before renewing) you will only need to do Skills Maintenance. You must then complete Skills Development training in the second licence renewal cycle.

You must finish all training before your licence renewal date.

Training will be provided in a variety of locations across Melbourne and regional Victoria; see CPD training providers

See also Skills Maintenance and Skills Development

Read our brochure:

Date: 22/10/2024 6:53

The currency and accuracy of this information cannot be guaranteed once printed or saved to a storage device. If in doubt, please check the Energy Safe Victoria website for the current version.
