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New expert committee advising ESV on energy safety issues

Thursday 3 February 2022 at 4:42 pm
Victoria’s energy industry will become safer following the creation of an expert Technical Advisory Committee, which will advise Energy Safe Victoria (ESV) on important issues impacting the electrical and gas industries and drive improvements. ESV is Victoria’s independent energy safety regulator, responsible for the licensing of electrical workers, investigating and prosecuting energy-related legislation breaches, energy education, appliance safety as well as the issuing and auditing of Certificates of Electrical Safety. The committee, created by the Victorian Government, will provide expert advice on the functions of ESV, including issues relating to network safety and bushfire prevention and mitigation. It will also focus on safety standards and compliance requirements for energy equipment, installations and electrical and gas fitting work and safety implications arising from the operation of renewable energy sources. In order to provide balanced, accurate and informed advice on key issues, the eight-member committee is made up of an independent chair, members from both the electrical and gas sectors, two community representatives and ESV’s own chairperson and commissioner. Last month, Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio approved the creation of the advisory committee, which was one of 43 recommendations delivered by the Grimes Review. The review was chaired by Dr Paul Grimes and focused on significant reforms aimed at strengthening ESV’s capabilities and regulatory approach to the state’s electricity and gas network safety framework. The committee will provide advice based on their experience, considering risks, hazards and consultation with the sectors and communities they represent. Economist, data scientist and company director Christine Williams will chair the committee, which will meet quarterly. Other members include Elizabeth Perrone and Arron Harris from the electricity industry, Bill Tabourlos and Gary Bath from the gas industry as well as community appointments Emma Germano (Victorian Farmers Federation) and Tina Hogarth-Clarke (Council on The Ageing Victoria).  

ESV Commissioner and Chairperson Marnie Williams

“This is a key development for ESV and Victoria’s energy industry. The experts on this committee will help drive improvements in safety across the whole energy sector.” “I look forward to joining my fellow committee members as we deliver safety and process improvements across Victoria’s energy sector.”  

Media contact: Adrian Bernecich 0437 729 194 | adrian.bernecich@energysafe.vic.gov.au

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