Proposed compulsory recall of LG solar storage batteries

Check your solar battery system to keep your home and family safe.

Monday 5 February 2024 at 5:10 am
A photograph of a solar battery that has caught fire, with burn marks and melted components.

The Assistant Treasurer has issued a proposed recall notice for certain LG batteries – as recommended by the ACCC. The LG solar storage batteries noted in the proposal can overheat and catch fire.

Thirteen property damage incidents across Australia are linked to the affected batteries. In one of the incidents, a Victorian home was destroyed.

You should check your solar energy storage system for unsafe LG solar batteries immediately. Follow the steps outlined by the ACCC, even if you don't have an LG brand solar storage system. 

Read the ACCC media release for more information, including a list of affected LG batteries

Energy Safe. Always.
