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Important terms, phrases and acronyms


This page contains terms we use at Energy Safe Victoria.

Search for terms using ctrl+f.

Organisational terms


The formal name of our commission is the Victorian Energy Safety Commission. It has 3 commissioners and a commission chairperson.

• Commission Chairperson Monique Conheady

• Commissioner Michelle Groves

• Commissioner Sarah McDowell

Energy Safe – not 'ESV'

Public-facing communications and content should use 'Energy Safe' instead of 'ESV'. On first mention, 'Energy Safe Victoria' can be used.

Note that for most uses, we refer to ourselves from a first-person narrative viewpoint – 'us', 'we', 'our' and so forth.

Common terms

Internal audiences can access the Acronyms and Abbreviations page on MyESV


ACR – Automatic Circuit Recloser

Adviser (not Advisor)

AEMO – Australian Energy Market Operator

AGIG – Australian Gas Infrastructure Group

AusNet Services


Be Sure (campaign)

Before You Dig Australia (BYDA) – no longer 'Dial Before You Dig'

BESS – battery energy storage systems

BMP – Bushfire Mitigation Plan


CALD – culturally and linguistically diverse

CFA – Country Fire Authority

Clean energy (use renewable energy instead)

CO – carbon monoxide

COES – Certificate of Electrical Safety

CP – Cathodic Protection

CPD – continuing professional development


DEECA – Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

Don’t do it yourself (campaign)

Driver Licence (not driver’s licence)


EDO – expulsion drop out (a type of fuse)

EESS – Electrical Equipment Safety Scheme

ELCA – Electric Line Construction Area

ELCMP – Electric Line Clearance Management Plan

email (not e-mail)

enquiries (from the public)

ERAC – Electrical Regulatory Authorities Council

ESMS – Electricity Safety Management Scheme


FOI – freedom of information

FFCRC – Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre

FTE – full-time equivalent


GEAP – Gender Equality Action Plan

GEMS – Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards

GST – Goods and Services Tax

GTRC – Gas Technical Regulators Committee


HBRA – high bushfire risk area


IDAHOBIT – International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia


JAZANZ – Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand


Know the drill before you grill (capaign)


LBRA – low bushfire risk area

LEC – Licensed Electrical Contractor

LEI – Licensed Electrical Inspector

LEW – licensed electrical worker

LGBTIQI+ – lesbian, gay, bisexual, transexual, intersex, queer and more

Look up and live (camaign)

LPG – liquefied petroleum gas


MEC – major electricity company

Minister for Energy and Resources

MP – Member of Parliament

MOU – memorandum of understanding


NECA – National Electric and Communications Association



OFGSH – open-flued gas space heater

OHS – Occupational health and safety

ORP – other responsible person


per cent (% in tables)

PSCIA – Plumbing, Sheetmetal and Coppersmithing Industry Association


RCBO – residual current circuit breakers with overcurrent protection

RCD – residual current device

REC – Registered Electrical Contractor

REFCL – Rapid earth fault current limiter

Renewable energy (not 'clean energy' etc)

RIS – Regulatory Impact Statement

RP – Responsible Person

RTO – Registered training organisation


SCs – safety cases

Show your solar some love (campaign)

SLA – service level agreement

SMPs – safety management plans

SO – specified operator

Stray current – when metal is degraded due to stray electrical current passing through it

SWER – single wire earth return (a type of overhead powerline)


Test. Reset. Protect. (campaign)

Type A appliance – a gas appliance which has an Australian standard that the appliance can be certified by an independent third-party certification body or is accepted by Energy Safe.


VBA – Victorian Building Authority

VCAT – Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal

VEMS – voluntary electricity management schemes

VAGO – Victorian Auditor-General’s Office

W - Z


Building Act 1993

Disability Act 2006

Energy Safe Victoria Act 2005

Electricity Safety Act 1998

Electricity Safety (Bushfire Mitigation) Regulations 2023

Electricity Safety (Electric Line Clearance) Regulations 2019

Financial Management Act 1994

Freedom of Information Act 1982

Gas Safety Act 1997

Gender Equality Act 2020

Pipelines Act 2005

Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012

Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004

Date: 27/07/2024 9:28

The currency and accuracy of this information cannot be guaranteed once printed or saved to a storage device. If in doubt, please check the Energy Safe Victoria website for the current version.
