Freedom of Information (FOI) request

How to lodge an FOI request with Energy Safe Victoria.


Energy Safe Victoria (Energy Safe) is Victoria’s safety regulator for electricity, gas and pipelines.

The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) gives members of the community a legal right to seek access to information held by government agencies. Energy Safe supports this by:

  • making information about our operations available to the public
  • facilitating a general right of access to documents held by Energy Safe, only limiting access to documents by the proper application of exceptions and exemptions provided for under the FOI Act and
  • delivering an efficient process for disclosing information at minimal cost to the community.

How to make a request

To make a request for documents, you can either write a letter to us or fill out the Energy Safe request form (with credit card authority). You should clearly set out the document(s) you are seeking from us and provide sufficient detail to enable us to locate them. If you are submitting a request on behalf of someone else, you should provide a signed authority from that person.

FOI Application Form FY 2024–25 PDF
PDF 253.78 KB
(opens in a new window)
FOI Application Form FY 2024–25 Word DOC
Word 153.9 KB
(opens in a new window)

You must pay the FOI application fee for us to start processing the request or attach a copy of your current concession card (if paying the fee would cause you hardship, we can apply your concession card to waive the application fee). We accept payment by credit card (Visa or Mastercard only) or by bank transfer (you will need to contact the Freedom of Information Officer to make arrangements).

Requests for documents held by Energy Safe should be sent

by email to

or posted to

Freedom of Information Officer
Energy Safe Victoria
PO Box 262
Collins Street West VIC 8007

For further information on how to make an FOI request

What are the costs to make an FOI request?

The costs for an FOI request are:

Application fee

The application fee is fixed cost set by the Freedom of Information Act 1982 and is non-refundable. The application fee may be waiver by Energy Safe for applicants on the basis of hardship.

Application fee as at 1 July 2024:

Access charges

Access charges relates to cost incurred in granting access that an applicant has requested.

Search charges: $24.50 per hour of part of an hour

Photocopying charges: 20c per black and white A4 page

All fees and charges

  • Have been rounded to the nearest ten cents, as provided for by the Monetary Units Act 2004
  • Are exempt from GST and are set by government regulations
  • May not apply depending on the nature of your request.

Energy Safe will advise you if these charges are going to be more than $50 and you will be asked to pay a deposit if you want to continue with your request.

What happens to a request?

Once we have received your FOI request and the FOI application fee, we will respond to you in writing as soon as practicable, but no later than 30 days, with an outline of our decision. The 30 day time frame may be extended in certain circumstances, including where we are required to consult with third parties, or where you agree to an extension of time.

If we refuse access to the documents sought, you may apply to the Victorian Information Commissioner for a review of our decision. You must do so within 28 days of the date we send our decision to you. The Information Commissioner has 30 days to conduct the review, unless you agree to an extension in time. For further information, visit Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner

Who makes FOI decisions at Energy Safe?

FOI requests are processed and decided by Energy Safe officers who have been authorised by the Energy Safe Chairperson.

Documents that can be released outside the FOI Act

There are number of documents that can be released outside the FOI Act. For example:

For privacy reasons, any information that identifies or relates to third party individuals will be removed from documents prior to the release, unless the individual(s) concerned have consented to being identified. However, in certain circumstances Energy Safe may consider that it is reasonable to disclose the personal information of a third party without obtaining their explicit consent. These circumstances including making available copies of COES.

We comply with the Information Privacy Principles in the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic).

Documents can also be released by way of statutory notice or subpoena

Energy Safe receives subpoenas and statutory notices from other government agencies compelling the production of specified information and/or documents.

We comply with statutory notices and subpoenas unless the required information is privileged or there are proper grounds for objecting to production. Personal information in documents that are required to be produced under a notice or subpoena is not privileged and must be disclosed.

Notices and subpoenas must be served on Energy Safe as follows:

The Proper Officer
Energy Safe Victoria
Level 22
2 Southbank Boulevard
Southbank VIC 3006

We generally waive conduct money in relation to service of subpoenas.

Date: 26/10/2024 19:18

Controlled document

The currency and accuracy of this document cannot be guaranteed once printed or saved to a storage device. If in doubt, please check the ESV website for the current version.
